Planting Calendula

Planting plugs in a greenhouse

Calendula is a popular plant to grow.

Let’s jump into how to plant calendula.

There are many varieties of calendula, so some of the details of this article will vary depending on the specific kind of calendula that you are growing.

When to plant calendula

There are a few factors to consider when determining when to plant calendula. First, the answer will be different if you are planting small plants/plugs you bought from a greenhouse or calendula seeds.

When to plant calendula outside

Plant calendula outside any time after the last of spring’s cold snaps are over. This will ensure that the calendula plants will have a long season to grow to their full beautiful potential and not die from a late frost.

Depending on where you grow your calendula, the average last frost date will vary. It should also be noted that there is always going to be risk involved since the last frost date is an “average.” There’s always the chance of a late frost or an early spring that jumpstarts your planting timeframe.

In the Central Pennsylvania area, the last frost date is typically before the second Sunday in May, so a general rule of thumb is to wait to plant your calendula outside until after Mother’s Day. However, many times you are fine to plant annuals outside before Mother’s Day — you’ll just want to be wary that a late frost will likely stunt the growth or kill your calendula if they are unprotected outside.

When to plant calendula seeds

If you’re planting calendula seeds and not plugs/small plants, it’s recommended to start them inside first before planting them in their final destination. You’ll want to start calendula seeds at least a few weeks before you the time you think you can plant them outside.

Where to plant calendula

When choosing where to plant your calendula, you’ll want to consider the plant’s needs and growing habits.

If the plant gets too little or too much sun it likely won’t die. However, you may see less growth or not as many blooms throughout the season.

You also want to consider the plant’s specific growing habits. If it’s going to spread, make sure to give it enough space. If it’s going to get tall, make sure to plant it behind other plants so that all plants are visible and get the sunlight they need.

Choosing whether to plant your calendula in the landscape, in a hanging basket, or in a pot will also need to be a decision you make. In the case of calendula, you can go any direction here and still be ok. 

How to plant calendula

Step 1: Plant calendula seeds

*Skip to step 2 if you are transplanting calendula plugs/young plants

Typically calendula plants will germinate the best when they are planted in a tray or container with potting soil. Place your container in a spot where it’ll receive sunlight. Make sure to keep the soil moist where you planted the calendula seed, but don’t overwater it.

You’ll soon start seeing a sprout emerging from the soil. Continue to water it and keep it in the sun to ensure continual growth and maturing.

If you germinated the calendula seeds in a tray, you’ll want to gently pull the sprouts apart and transplant them into packs or pots at this point. If each calendula sprout already has its only space to grow, you’ll be fine until the calendula plant matures some more.

Plants that are kept too long in a small container will get “root-bound” which hinders their growth potential. This means that the calendula’s roots will fill up the space they are given and form a tightly wound root “cube” (or whatever shape the container is). When this happens, they’ll need to be watered more frequently.

For this reason, it’s important to transplant your seedling into a larger container once it has outgrown the original container.

Step 2: Transplant the calendula plugs/young plants

If you grew your own calendula plant from seed and it has now grown to a young plant or if you have purchased some young calendula plants at a greenhouse/garden center, you are now ready to transplant it into a larger container.

To do this, gently pull the calendula out of its container. If you were growing it in a small pack, the plant will come out like a plug, with a root structure that keeps the soil of the container bound together. 

If your plant is root-bound, gently pull the roots apart. It’s ok if it feels like you are ripping the roots. This is healthy for the plant if done in moderation, and signals to the calendula plant that it’s free to grow outside of its original bounds with its old container. It now will have more space to grow and you want to get it to expand its root structure to fill that space.

If your calendula plant is large enough, you may be able to skip to step 3. If it’s not mature yet, or if it’s too early to plant outside, then you’ll want to plant it in a larger pot and continue to water it moderately and give it enough sun.

Now, find a larger pot or container and fill it up with potting soil to plant your young plant in. Place the young calendula plant in the soil so that the top of the root cube matches the top of the soil line. If you plant it too deep in the new container and cover up the plant’s “heart” (where new growth stems from), you could kill the plant or hinder its growth.

Once planted in its new home, you can water it lightly to further jumpstart the calendula’s root system.

Step 3: Plant the calendula in their final spot

When your calendula plant is fully matured and it’s warm enough outside, it’s ready to plant in its final spot. There are many great options for where to plant your calendula. They will grow well in your landscape, flower beds, hanging baskets, or a flower pot.

Whichever you choose, first you’ll want to pull the plant out of its container. The best way to do this is to squeeze on the plastic pot/pack that it’s in and pull the plant gently out.

Then use a trowel or your hand to move some dirt or potting soil away where you’re going to plant the calendula. Place the plant in the hole and cover it up with the soil you removed.

Again, don’t plant the calendula too deep, as this may hinder its growth or end up killing it. 

You also don’t want to plant it too high to avoid having a mound of dirt above the surface. Mounds of dirt cause any water you give the calendula plant to run off. This can cause soil to be washed away from the surface and uncovers the plant.

Now that your calendula plant is planted, you can water it lightly. A sprinkling can or hose with a spray nozzle setting that provides a gentle stream is advised for this. 

You can also give the plant some fertilizer so that is has something to feed off in its new home.

Finally, if you planted the calendula plant in a landscape or even a container, it does not hurt to mulch it. This will help with keeping moisture in its root and you won’t have to water as much throughout the summer. Bark mulch, wood chips, or many kinds of landscaping mulches work for this. Make sure you don’t spread the mulch too close around the calendula, as the sun can heat up the mulch to a point where it burns the young plant.

Step 4: Caring for calendula

Now that your calendula is planted you’re all ready to care for it throughout the summer and watch it grow and thrive.

Continue to water your calendula.

For care instructions specific to the variety of calendula you have, see the plant’s tag or seed packet.